"Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still"
-Dorthea Lange

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Quite possible one of my favorite places because of the views! There were several comments of "It looks like a green screen!" The winding little "callejons" around the ancient part of the city are prime area for getting lost. The Cathedral is called "the Jewel" of Spanish Cathedrals and there is good reason for that. The time that it took to build this Cathedral was over a period of 500 years. Well worth it though.
 The Panorama is a must! If that is the only thing that you do in Toledo then you can continue on with life. Everything else....

 We were waiting outside the Cathedral when a troupe of performers celebrating the 500th Anniversary of El Greco's death came and did a show of old style costumes and dancing complete with a ginormous puppet of El Greco him self.
The Cathedral of Toledo. It truly lives up to its name in the grand, ornate nature that it has. The details from the stone collumns to the ornate carvings of the bottom of the choir seats is... mind blowing.                                                                                                                This Madonna is one of the few statues in history that has Mary smiling.

 I am not the worlds biggest fan of hights but I'm proud to say that I hiked down to this part of the cliff and took a picture. It was an amazing view and I have no regrets! Thanks Tyson (in the next picture with the bridge) for the photo.

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