"Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still"
-Dorthea Lange

Saturday, January 18, 2014

All Right, It's Official....

... I LOVE SPAIN!!! I've bee here for 3 days and I love it!! Everything. Even the winter. I told one of the girls while we were walking around Alcala just exploring, that I'm pretty sure that I could be hit by a train here and still be happy and excited to be in Spain.
Where to start. Not the Plane ride. Anyone who's been on a plane ride either long or short, you get it. I kept comparing it to the one I took to Japan. There are some big differences. 1) I could read the signs getting off and 2) I wasn't as scared and confused when I got off (luckily Sarah found me in the Narita airport just in time).
The Host Family:
Love them! They are amazing! Encarna and her son Roberto. They don't speak a lick of English. Which is fantastic! They correct me, which I really appreciate, and Encarna cooks great food. I've noticed some similarities in my family that I think are Spanish orientated. a) Our sweet tooth. We have a postre after pretty much every meal. b) we eat and then we sit and talk for a long time. The apartment that we are in is tiny. But I guess that is really all you need. Pic: Kelsie (in the group) and I with the others at a panaderĂ­a.

My Roomie: Love her! Mckall Morris. Mckall speaks no Spanish. So Encarna takes the time to make her talk and practice. Its been really good for the both of us. Personality wise, she is a free spirit and super easy going. I love that about her and I am super lucky to have her as a roommate!! Pic: Mckall drinking chocolate. Literally it's not hot chocolate. Its more like fondu.

The group: 2 guys, a married couple, and 8 girls. We get along super well. I'm one of the older ones. One of the guys and one of the girls put in their mission papers and will be getting their call in about a month and are going to open it here! I'm super excited for them! We all seem to get along really well. All pretty mellow and easy going.

 We got chocolate y churros at the Famous Chocolate place in Madrid, San Gines. Incredible!

We (the girls) went exploring around Alcala de Hernares. I didn't take the picture. Some nice women in the street did. That's why it is kind of off. :)

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