"Photography takes an instant out of time, altering life by holding it still"
-Dorthea Lange

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Michele and Joe Yaede

I got a text one evening that said "I'm getting married!!" I replied, "That's so great! Congratulations! If you want I could take pictures!" These are the results!! So thank you Michele and Joe for trusting me with out really seeing my pictures!

Oh how I love editing now!

On the shoot, I told them to stop and to hold hands. Michele asked why I was taking pictures of their hands. I told her to trust me! One of the things I've learned from others and books on wedding photography is that the photographer should focus on the details especially at weddings! The result was quite pleasing!
I love this shot because it is right at the entrance to Bridal Veil Park and there was a porter potty just to the right of Joe's back! I learned from Mr. Sadnick (My photo teacher) to do most of the cropping with the camera. Thank you Mr. Sadnick!


  1. I love the pictures you are truly amazing! :)

  2. Good shots Deda! Can't wait to see the wedding photos! Yes, I am your stalker ;o)
